Jurnal Dosen PBA 2

ثبات اللغة العربية يف توقّع حرو ب القيم الثقافية يف عصر الثورة الصناعية 0.4

أمحد نورخالص
Ahmad Nurcholis

Institut Agama Islam Negeri Tulungagung

The historical evidence has proved the universality of Arabic language. It is used as media of expressions
in communication and literature throughout the moslem’s world. Recently, Arabics has become the blend of
various cultures having been harmonized with all aspects of civilized life in the world, including in
Indonesia.The existence of Arabics is getting obvious in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 as it attempts
to anticipate a war of cultural values, especially against the West. The bottomline is that Arabics can
survive and comply with other cultural influences, such as caligraphy, reciting ‘kitab kuning’ in traditional
and modern pesantren, drama, carving, fine art, language, literature, philosophy, architecture, etc. The
contribution of Islamic colleges are also significant. For examples; Al Azar Egypt, Ummul Qura’ Mecca as
well as UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang have popularized the attribute the centre of Islamic
civilization. They are well-known as the campus of civilization, tourism, and religious tolerance.
Keywords: Persistence, Arabics, war of cultural values, era of industrial revolution 4.0.

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